Title: Binky the Space Cat
Author: Ashley Spires
Length: 64 pages
The Story
Binky is a pet cat who orders a space cat kit so that he'll be able to go into outer space (outside the house) to protect his humans from aliens (bugs). He believes that the house is a space station, and that he needs a space suit or rocket ship to go outside. He gets to work building himself a rocket ship, while he continues to protect his family from the aliens and keep the alien spies from discovering his secret identity.
My Thoughts
This is a fun story about what your house cat might really be thinking. The simple illustrations and funny writing make for an engaging read. It's a short graphic novel, so it's a pretty quick read, too. I like the way Binky tries to make sense of his world, and how he's always trying to protect his family.
Binky the Space Cat is aimed at readers aged 7 to 10. I think its fun story and simple format could make it a good choice for reluctant readers in that age group.